Friday, May 13, 2016

Bathroom Controversy

On Monday, May 9, 2016, Jennifer Silva published a commentary titled “Taking Culture Wars to the Toilets.” In her article, Silva discusses the highly controversial topic of allowing transgender individuals to use the bathroom of which they identify with.  

During the commentary, Silva shares her views on the topic and how this situation should be handled. Although she supports the transgender community, she feels that men and women should be able to feel safe while using the bathroom. She also introduces the topic of the Texas Legislature creating a ban that would enforce individuals to use the bathroom that agrees with the sex on their birth certificate. Lt. Dan Patrick has also expressed his feeling stating that, “I think the handwriting is on the bathroom wall: Men need to stay out of the ladies’ room. This isn’t about equal rights. This isn’t about being against anyone or anti-any person. This is about common sense, common decency and allowing women to have comfort when they’re in the bathroom.”

I agree with Jennifer Silva on this topic but I feel that if they have “completely” made the change, they should be able to use their restroom of choice. Silva stated that women will not feel comfortable with their children in the restroom with transgendered individuals but I feel that it would completely uncomfortable for me to use the restroom with a women with a full beard and mustache.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Mental Health Improvement

The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) raised the budget for the Public Mental Health System in 2014. Although, the state has put forth a good effort and made some improvements, Texas is still having a hard time providing proper psychiatric care for all citizens that are in need. The Texas Department of State Health Services has reported that the number of accessible beds has remained constant since 2013, including all public and private institutions. Since the state is not able to place the patients in hospitals, many citizens are going without the proper care and attention that is desperately needed. State hospitals have recorded up to 400 people on waiting lists and with the Texas population steadily increasing, we are getting further behind. 

I do believe that the Government should make the necessary improvements to get as many people the appropriate help that they need. I understand that the main concern for the government would be money but there are some changes that can be made. As I discussed previously, reforming the Texas Criminal Justice System could dramatically effect the available funds for government. 

Abandoning those in need only creates a greater danger for society. Mental Health is a serious issue and we must address the problem.