Thursday, April 21, 2016

Unnecessary Use of Force

On Thursday, April 7, 2016, Alyssa Rangel published a commentary titled “Texas Officer Appears to Body-Slam Middle School Girl in Shocking Viral Video." Rangel recounts the story of Officer Joshua Kehm video tapped slamming a 12 year old girl into concrete pavement. After stating all of the known facts of this case, I commend Rangel for expressing her opinion while remaining mutual between both parties.

During the commentary, Rangel discusses the situation and how it was handled by Officer Joshua Kehm. She recognizes that the whole truth may not be in the released film but wonders if there was an alternative route of action. Although I agree with her, I share a different view. Of course, there are numerous ways for a seasoned male officer to restrain a pre-teenage girl. I don’t understand the UNNECESSARY use of force. After communicating with Officer Jermaine Kenneth with the Austin Police Department, I was told that officers are trained in various ways to diffuse an altercation while using little to minimum force. It is very common for middle school aged girls to get into verbal altercations and there are many ways to handle them without force. If I got body slammed for every time I disagreed with someone in Middle School, I may not be alive today.

I agree with Alyssa Rangel that all facts may not be out in this case but it bothers me to see things like this.

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